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Bolivian Picture Blog

times off, hanging out with orphans, and a bizarre recipe!


Team Time Movie Night… I was in charge, so obviously we built a fort, made popcorn, and watched The Sandlot πŸ™‚


Moving bricks for a few hours to help our contacts finish the house.


Some of the team with the kiddos at the older kid’s home.


Climbing the tree with the kids.


The coolest spaceship ever, built out of a bike tire, log, and other various objects.


Me spending the day in the sick bed, with a towel over my head and breathing in boiled chamomile.


The plaza where we bathe the street kids at night.


A VW Bug… one of the three most popular cars in South America, the others being a VW Bus and a VW truck. I’m certainly not complaining πŸ™‚


The following pictures are a translated traditional Bolivian recipe I found πŸ™‚





Pray for us as we head to our South America Debrief in La Paz on the 9th. It’s going to be a fun and spiritually challenging time. We know nothing, except that dramatic team changes are coming, which is exciting and scary at the same time. I’m not sure of what internet will look like there or in Albania, but we are flying to NYC on the 12th, and then on the 13th we head to Europe. Albania is a small country about 45 miles across the sea from Italy and borders Macedonia and Greece. I’m excited that I’m finally going to be in a place that is in the maps in the back of my Bible, haha. Also, Albania is a muslim country and one of the poorest in Europe (if not the poorest). Still, Lonely Planet named it the top country to visit in 2011, so we really have no idea what to expect. Prayers are appreciated! Especially because, despite the fact that Albania will be my 16th country and almost my 50th flight, I am terrified of flying. Oh well πŸ™‚ Autumn in Europe, here I come!