Here are some pictures of our time here in Huanchaco. Tomorrow’s our last day, which is definitely a little sad, because we’ve loved our time here and the people we’ve met (and the sunsets!) Tonight some of us are heading to High Tea with a woman who owns The Chocolate Cafe. She invited some of the girls and it’s a cool chance to continue relationship. The rest of us are going to the local Christian Surfers meeting. It’s pretty cool this week 🙂 Anyway, here are some pictures. Check out the rest of the album here:
These are everywhereeeee. Love it.
Our front yard at sunset. No complaints here.
The organic cafe where we skype home, drink hot
chocolate, have team time, and meet tons of awesome
people and build relationships. Love this place.
Yeah, found this on a street sign. If you’re reading this
and don’t know me, this is about ten minutes from my house.
After surfing. Yes, I am half as tall as my board. Don’t make fun.
The group, post-surfing. All the way on the left is Joca, one
of our friends and contacts from our time in the desert. We’ve been able to invite those we know from there to the beach to continue relationships. It’s pretty awesome.
We got invited over to our surf instructors house (Chico, the older man in the background. In front is another one of our instructors Jose.) I snuck this picture while Chico was talking to us about the Lord and the way to evangelize here in Huanchaco, and we got to ask Jose what he thought and plant some seeds.
Smallest apple ever. This is about as close to autumn as we’re gonna get, people.
Chicken foot soup. Gag me.
Our route, more or less, to Cochabamba, Bolivia. It’s supposedly 40 to 50+ hours in the bus, but it is going to take us almost a week to get there. We are stopping at Lake Titicaca for a night or two to break up the driving, which should be awesome, and then it’s off to live in an orphanage for a month! See you in Bolivia!
Hi Stephanie,
Your writing is incredible! You are not only an artist with your photos but a journalist with your blog. The fact that you can share your adventure with us gives definition to our prayers for you and the group (and a vicarious missions trip for those of us not on the adventerous side).
Safe travels, we will keep on praying!
Haha, I’ll take the VW and the surfboards, but I’m with you on the chicken foot soup. Awesome pics steph. What cool ways to plant seeds for God’s Kingdom. Your brothers and sisters (and mom and dad) at TBC continue to pray for you!!!
Hi I could really go for those sunsets, but not the chicken foot soup,yuck. The diet would be my undoing, bless you for wanting to serve the Lord and following Him wherever and whenever He calls to you. Love you, Peg
OY VEY, my stomach did a ‘hurl up’ looking at that disgusting chicken foot actually sitting in something that is supposed to be edible! Double Wretch! Subject change!! It looks beautiful there and the people, they are a gift. I LOVE missions!! We’re ‘a prayin’ for you! Love ya!!! SueMac
I especially like the “chicken foot soup” BAHAHAH. love and prayers! miss you like crazy!
Hi Steph,
Looking good with that surfboard! I never realized how big they were. That sunset was breathtaking, and the little apple — too cute! Are they edible? I’d rather eat 100 of those than that chicken foot soup any day. But I do enjoy those gory details — that’s my girl! I enjoyed all the photos in the album. Love the flip-flops on the beach shot — great photography!
As I’m writing this, you’re already on the bus and on your way to Bolivia. I will be praying for your safety and that there will be an Internet connection when you arrive at your next destination. We’ve been so spoiled since you left, and I mentioned to your Dad tonight that I don’t want to take for granted that we will hear from you so often in each country; so I need to remember to always include that in my prayers. I can’t believe you’re moving on to the third country already. The time seems to go so quickly from this end — I wonder if it feels like it goes quickly for you.
I look forward to your next post and for news on how God is using you and your team in the orphanage, not to mention the cute faces He will entrust you with for your time there. May the love of Jesus flow through you, and may He empower you to do all He has planned for you to accomplish.
With love,
Angela Martine
Promise me when AIM does a photo contest you enter. You capture moments. Love your pic blogs
Dear Steph– As I was in the midst of eating a delicious Jersey tomato sandwich on toasted italian bread, I see the chicken foot! I hate to think what my body would say to that as dinner! But seriously Steph, every message from you is a BREATH OF FRESH AIR, from our Father. To see this World Race experience from your excitement and delight in ALL God is bringing your way, truly uplifts me and a day without a blog from Stephanie is like a day without SONshine! I am ALWAYS excited to see that there is a new message from you awaiting me in the evening.
Love you and PRAY for you and your team. xoxoxoxox iris