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me with some of my kiddos this morning. they were there as soon
as i woke up to say goodbye, complete with letters and gifts of
appreciation. needless to say, i teared up quite a bit.

some of my chillun’s last night.
i used some leftover money to buy “my” family of kids some hats.
they l-o-v-e-d them, and this is my new favorite picture in Ecua.
One of the many notes. It says “Bye, Stephanie, I love you a lot.”
I got so many of these. I can’t even handle it. πŸ™‚
Yarina with a sign I made her πŸ™‚
Lastly, here’s a video of a typical day in Iluman. Another video
will be coming soon with some of our adventures as of late.
Stay tuned! πŸ™‚

3 responses to “I hate goodbyes… (photos+videos)”

  1. Steph:

    Those kiddos are precious! You have done such a good job with your descriptions, photos and videos, that I feel that I’ve been there with you. I’m going to miss those cute faces. And watching that video — I’m tearing up with you.

    I’ll be praying for your travel to Peru and will be looking forward to what and who God has in store for you there. And I’ll remember to pray for the fear issue — I can truly relate. But, do not be discouraged, for you have not allowed the fear to stop you from serving Him or going where He has called you to go; so regardless of how you feel, I believe you have already seen victory over the fear as you have pressed on in spite of it. I’m praying the Lord will continue to protect you as you continue to trust Him more and more.

    O.K. — One country down, 10 to go!

    In His Love,
    Angela Martine

  2. Steph,
    What great experiences the Lord has given you to teach you the lessons He wants you to learn and what a great job you did in obeying HIM!!
    My prayers are with you and your teammates as you travel to Peru! I look forward to hearing about God’s work there!
    In His Service, Traci