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Life here in Porvenir, Trujillo, Peru, is
quite the experience. In a good way. Right now, I’m sitting on our roof, in the
sunshine, listening to Jesus Culture and waiting for my laundry to dry on the
line. Most of our days are spent shoveling sand, wheelbarrowing bricks, mixing
cement, pouring cement, and doing other manual labor. Back massages are a
nightly occurrence. It’s also normal for at least one or two people to have
serious… digestive… issues… every day. Gatorade and saltines are dietary
staples (sometimes you even get animal crackers for desert! one time i found a
unicorn animal cracker. i know, i know, it’s not actually a unicorn, but it made
my tummy feel better) – clarification: that’s only if you’re having digestive
issues, we are blessed with a kitchen this month and it rocks.

Anyway, gonna be
honest, there are some days when you’re pretty convinced you won’t be able to
lift another wheelbarrow full of bricks or you’re back will crumble, and you
have to run inside and use the bathroom every few minutes, and you want to be
like, “alright, seriously God? i’m here serving you and this is the thanks
i get?” (daaaangerous territory, dear brain.) But something that many of
us have heard over and over from the Lord is “present your bodies as
living sacrifices.” So here we are God, literally broken, but here we are
πŸ™‚ It’s funny the strength He provides when you surrender. The work is hard,
but going great.

We’re living in what will one day be a children’s
home/orphanage, and building the cafeteria, fountains, and trade school, which
need to be done so kids can move in. We’ve definitely caught the vision of this
place, which helps us work wholeheartedly. It’s pretty awesome πŸ™‚ Anyway, here
are some pictures of Porvenir and some of the construction. I haven’t had my
camera out too much cause we’ve been working and it’s dangerous to carry around
a camera outside of our walls, so the one time I did I just snuck a few shots
to document.

I also put together a little bitty video of our travel to and
first few days in Peru, but the internet is suuuuper slow. I will try to post it soon! Keep praying for ministry, were excited. Well be going to the trash dump this week too to see the kids, and who knows what else. Bring it on πŸ™‚

3 responses to “Living Sacrifices”

  1. greetings,
    your willingness to be used by the Lord no matter how you feel is SOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo…………..encouraging to me. there are days when i just want to beg the Lord to return and free us from the dailiness but then remember those who have not heard the wonderful redemptive gospel yet and ask Him to tarry a bit longer.
    thank you for the photos of your work.

  2. As I read your last blog I heard the Lord give me a word and then I read this blog and was blown away by His perfect timing. He said spend it all guys. Everyday tell your team and yourself to spend if all. He will replenish the storehouse.

  3. Man, just think on all the verses on suffering when you lift ANOTHER wheelbarrow of sand!! BUT, just think of what you are working toward and all the kids that will find refuge there.
    ALL to the Glory of God!