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hello from africa!!!


i’m sorry i can’t write more. we have like two seconds to use the internet. we’re safe, enjoying south africa. we stayed overnight in Qatar and it was great, and now we live at an orphanage and are loving working with the kids. it’s awesome. we’ll update more when we can! africa is the best, just as expected. keep praying for us! thank you!!! and expect some VERY late fun videos of kids, Christmas, and perhaps a giraffe or two.



2 responses to “south africa”

  1. Hi Steph!

    So good to hear from you and to know you are safe. I am so thankful to the Lord for His faithfulness in answering our prayers and keeping you safe. I will continue to pray for your safety and for God’s anointing to be upon you and your team as you work with the children in the orphanage. May the love of Jesus shine through you and break through any language barriers there may be so that the gospel message will be understood. And, I’ve been praying often that the Lord will grant you the ability to sleep and get the rest you need.

    I’m looking forward to the videos and definitely the giraffes! Very cool creatures they are, as are their zebra friends — and I bet they don’t even know what fashion statements they are! Who but God could have come up with such design?

    With love and prayers,

  2. Hey Steph,

    It is so cool to read how this “World Race” is transforming your life. You have such a passion for everyone you are serving, particularly for the young children you encounter along the way. Your stories remind me of how Jesus embraced little children in life, and how much “wiser” they can be when expressing and receiving God’s love (through you). God is walking lock-in-step with you all along the way.

    You will be missed at Christmas. We’ll keep a close eye on your family. Your grandmother and aunt showed up for the Christmas concert this past Sunday – it’s always great to see those funny Italian ladies – they really make us laugh! If you have a chance, go to our website and take a quick listen to the performance – I’m sure you will hear your dad’s voice somewhere in the distance (LOL).

    Your devotion to this ministry is inspiring. Stay safe and keep the blogs, pics and videos coming!

    Phil. 4:13

    P.S. Angela, go to bed! You should be sleeping at midnight!